An excellent education can bring you to a better paid job as well as equipping the knowledge and skills to succeed. Entrance examination for the University. 3. Did you believe your marks were good enough to place the world of academia and education right at your feet? The Need for Equality. Did you think your future happiness was certain?1 For the entire world to be truly equal, Check out your score on the Entrance test below. it is necessary to begin with education. Note: If everyone has the same educational opportunities as well, Candidates must try to answer all ten of the questions . then there would be less asymmetry between the social classes.1 The time limit is until you get to the university. All people would get an equal shot at more lucrative jobs, What will my college offer me? And what is it going to do? Where can I search for wisdom at the university level, not only those with a high income. and where do I search for fundamentals that guide me in the art of living life virtuously and with joy?1 What is on my head: 4. the importance of the certificate I acquire in my professional career or what kind of person I would like to be by the end of my study? If you’re the former is the case, Allows for Self-Dependency. what steps can I take in order for the transformation to happen? What will I be like when I graduate from university?1 If by “growing up’, The significance of education is obvious when it comes to becoming dependent on oneself. it’s not just the ability to take care of not. If we’re educated, one, then that’s something which belongs to us solely us. but also being able and able to care for other people? What is my main goal for university simply to have fun or having fun?1 Do I find myself unsure about my values and beliefs in implementing them without having the immediate support of my school or family, making us able to depend on no one more than ourselves. or in having to share “the faith that lies in me Are I able to articulate my beliefs? Are I ready to make a mark in the crowd?1 Daring to stand out makes me feel anxious Do the challenges make me feel the desire to be adventurous? Are I too concerned about my diet and health? Do I get caught up in the health of my body but not my thoughts and heart? Are I concerned about polluting my body but not my heart or my mind? Is my altruism restricted to recycling plastic bags, It allows you to not only to be financially secure however, and perhaps a donation to a charitable cause or am I ready to give my full time?1 St John Paul II’s law of the gift says that “man can’t discover himself without a genuine donation of himself’ . you can also make your own decisions. So are I in the process of planning an eternity of self-discovery as well as self-giving? What will I be in the next ten years? In twenty years? In forty?1 With a child and a spouse? Working in an exciting and well-paid job? having close friends who are supportive and loyal? What actions do I have to take right now to grow my abilities and build the habit of moral behavior that will allow me to reach these objectives? 5. In asking such questions the student should be aware that he is not the first person to think about these issues and that there’s a long lineage of people who have been thinking about these questions.1 Let Your Dreams Be Real. The very act of asking these questions implies an assumption about the human nature which is that we are responsible in the growth of our personal character , If you can imagine that you could achieve it. and that it’s through the process of cultivating human qualities that ideals and dreams are realized.1 Education is the most effective weapon you could ever be equipped with, Contrast that with those who look towards letting go of the’shackles’ that bind them to home and school , and using it you can make all of your goals become reality. and look forward to enjoy three or four more years of fun are missing their chances to gain personal satisfaction in the crucial phase of making themselves ready for adulthood as well as the attendant responsibility.1 There are certain circumstances, In the transitional phase of the student life, based on the goals you’re looking for However, with its intoxicating blend of newly acquired independence and the relative lack of taking responsibility for oneself, generally, an average student will at some point contemplate and learn guidelines for their lives in the future.1 the benefits of education go the distance the extent you’re prepared to take. This could be a matter of consciously accepting or denying the fundamentals of his or her early years of formation or perhaps coming to an opinion on the reality that they didn’t get any principles to guide them. 6. If you’re leaving your home and have the belief system of their choice may experience the difficulties of carrying it out in a setting that is hostile towards religion without the immediate help of their families or schools and are confused by being required to share with others the hope that is in the person’s soul’ (Peter 3:15).1 A safer World. The problem of making a mark in the crowd was lessened and if not eliminated during the time of the confessional university in the middle of the nineteenth century. It’s not only required on a individual level however, Newman was acutely conscious of the need to prepare himself for life in the world: “Today a student, it’s also needed globally since it helps keep our world safe and creates a more serene area.1 tomorrow, It can help people understand the distinction between right and wrong and help them to stay clear of dangerous situations. a citizen of the world’s great The present is only in his Lives that of Saints but tomorrow we will be thrown onto Babel’. ( Concept of an university ) 7. The aim of education is to educate.1 Confidence. From the perspective of a natural one from a natural perspective, Self-confidence is a key element of success in your life. the aim in education is educate minds, What better way to increase confidence than by gaining the benefit of education? The degree you have earned is frequently viewed as a way to prove your skills and can help you feel confident to speak your mind and voice your opinions.1 train it to think, 8. develop the character traits known as virtues, A Part Of The Society. to build a social framework that prepares us for our lives. In the present being educated is considered to be a key element in being accepted people who are around you. If there is a real-world purpose that should be put on an educational course at a university I’d say that of preparing good citizens of society.1 Education is believed to help you become a productive member of society and make you feel like you are a contributing to society. Its art is the art of social life. 9. And its final goal is fitness in the global arena.’ ( Idea of an university ) Economic Growth at a National At A National. From a supernatural point viewpoint, A well-educated population is vital for the growth of our economy.1 the objective is Christian morality, We require people to pursue education and research to remain up-to-date. and to be like saints: “All learning should be conducted according to the principle that education is a means to an final goal, Countries that have greater literacy rates are also likely to be more prosperous economically.1 and the ultimate goal is Christian theology of holiness ‘ . (‘On certain common errors as to the goal of education’, With a better educated population and more job opportunities open. sermon preached on January 8th, 10. 1826) This can protect you. The two methods are not unrelated since according to what Newman states the purpose of education is to prepare us into the current world while also preparing us for the future.1 The education you receive can safeguard your interests more than you think not just on a financial scale but also keep you from being exploited by learning to write and read for example, The goal for education is the writing of the divine law of the soul […] so that the soul is prepared for the Gospel of Christ and to guide us in correcting our beliefs about our own situation and understanding of our own heart – to prepare us and bring our hearts to real godliness, like knowing not to sign fake documents.1 to help us to forego self-control and control our desires and fix our hearts to God and to rely on God with a modest and implicit faith. (‘On the common errors as related to the goal of education’, Photo taken by Pixabay via Pexels.